Winter Blankets


Winter Blankets


Why blankets?

On cold winter nights, it’s a pleasure to wrap ourselves up in a warm blanket paired with a snooze, a hot chocolate, or a good book. But for survivors of war and disaster, a winter blanket is more than a mere comfort - it is the difference between life and death.

What will your gift do?

A simple blanket has the power to keep the most vulnerable warm and safe throughout the winter months.

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Blankets for Syrian Refugees

12-year-old Mohammad had been living in a tent ever since his family fled Syria. Every winter, his family were exposed to below freezing temperatures, unable to protect themselves from the cold. They couldn’t even afford warm clothing and blankets - Mohammad’s brother was supporting four siblings and his sick mother on just £7 a day. Thanks to a generous donor, Mohammed and his family received enough warm blankets to see them through the winter, ensuring they would be protected during the long cold nights.