Great Charity Gifts is super-easy, super-fun and super-amazing!

Here's how it works, folks!

How It Works

You need a gift for your

Kamal's got just the right idea for you!

With Great Charity Gifts, we've got something for everyone...

These poverty-bustin' gifts are guaranteed to raise a smile and will empower needy people around the world!

Great Charity Gifts ALSO allows YOU to PERSONALISE your gift with a selection of card designs and your own message inside!

and so as THEY receive THEIR gift card in the post/via email. A person in need receives their great charity gift too.

How It Works

You need a
gift for

Kamal's got just the right idea for you!

With great charity gifts, we've got something for everyone...

These poverty-bustin' gifts are guaranteed to raise a smile and will empower needy people around the world!

With Great Charity Gifts, you can give a gift in a friend's name to a person in need around the world.

Great Charity Gifts ALSO allows YOU to PERSONALISE your gift with a selection of card designs and your own message inside!

and so as THEY receive THEIR gift card in the post/via email. A person in need receives their great charity gift too.