Tube Well


Tube Well


Why give a well?

With over 844 million people in the world living without access to clean water, this is one of the most precious gifts you can give. Access to a well means that instead of walking miles for water, children can go to school, parents can earn a living and communities can thrive.

What will your gift do?

Located in a convenient location, a tube well ensures that up to four families have access to clean, safe water for drinking, washing and cooking. 

This button has the power to make a lot of people happy. Go for it!
This button has the power to make a lot of people happy. Go for it!

Walking miles in search of water (1/2)

52-year-old Ghani Ur Rehman lives in Peshawar, Pakistan with his son and six grandchildren. The family didn’t have access to safe drinking water nearby and the children were having to walk miles to search for it, sometimes coming back empty-handed. Ghani was constantly worried about them, but simply could not afford to install a well.

A Gift for Ghani's Grandchildren ( 2/2)

When a generous donor gifted them a tube well, it completely transformed their lives. Ghani's young grandchildren no longer have to walk for hours and haul water back to their home, and Ghani has more money for food and medical supplies, which has improved the health of the entire family. Ghani's family are so grateful for this kind donation.

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